EU network of mesocosms facilities for research on marine and freshwater ecosystems open for global collaboration, developed under the EU Horizon 2020 projects AQUACOSM and AQUACOSM-plus


Transnational Access

Metadata & Data

Papers & Reports

Knowledge Base

AQUACOSM Work Packages


WP1 Consortium management



The objectives of this work package are to oversee administration, operational management, and overall implementation of the project, including internal effective communication and collaboration between the coordinator, individual consortium members, and the European Commission; to organise and administer consortium networking and governance, including supporting relevant bodies and meetings (Task 1.1), and Advisory Board (Task 1.2); ensure efficient and effective management and decision-making procedures and to implement sound financial management as well as controlling systems and quality assurance of deliverables and periodic and final Reports (Task 1.3) and of the description of work (Task 1.4).

A specific goal of the overall AQUACOSM management is to improve the efficiency of the research infrastructures' management and their service provision by establishing a joint management of access provision and pooling of distributed resources at the individual facilities. 


D1.1 First Feedback from AB to project progress (Month 16)

D1.2 Periodic & financial reports M18 (Month 18)

D1.1 Second Feedback from AB to project progress (Month 34)

D1.2 Periodic & financial reports M36 (Month 36)

D1.3 Periodic & financial and final reports M48 (Month 48)


The core part of this task will be the organisation and coordination of the consortium bodies and their meetings, particularly meetings of the Steering Committee (twice a year of which one virtual meeting), and the General Assembly (once a year in person), as well to ensure for efficient and regular communication between the coordination, the consortium bodies, and all partners. This task will also provide for close liaison with relevant EC offices and services, in particular the scientific and financial officers in charge of the project, and other relevant EC advisors.


This task will establish, organise and support a group of four independent international experts responsible for selecting users for transnational access of the AQUACOSM platforms (described under 3.2.5). Its members will be administratively supported by the Steering Committee in the TA-application selection process specifically by help in sorting and organising incoming proposals and communication with the TA providing infrastructures (see also WP5.2 for announcement and proposal handling process, and WP 6 for TA provision).

The User Selection Panel (USP)


This task will establish, organise and support a high level scientific Advisory Board which will help to monitor progress, and provide independent guidance and advice to the coordinator, Steering Committee and the entire consortium. Advisory Board members will be supported in their function by the project logistically (e.g. AB meeting organisation) and with limited secretarial functions (e.g. meeting minutes). The Project Office will also provide for direct links between the Advisory Board and all consortium bodies, groups and partners as needed.

Scientific and Technology Advisory Board (STAB)


This task will undertake: Preparation and coordination of the periodic scientific and financial project reports as requested by the EC. Coordination of common administrative tasks, such as elaborating and providing templates for detailed planning and reporting of the tasks in each WP; providing formats for compiling and editing progress reports; monitoring progress through reaching milestones and deliverables; quality control of products and deliverables. Financial monitoring: Ensuring a transparent financial distribution of the EC grant, including setting and monitoring payment schedules, and terms of reimbursement. Preparation of financial controlling reports for the overall monitoring of the project. A formal project management plan will be developed and implemented for the project start, to provide how the project is executed, monitored and controlled.


Coordination of refining the work plan for the project according to the results of contract negotiations with the Commission and partners. Depending on the progress achieved, outcomes of internal and external reviews, and other developments, oversee and coordinate the further, possibly repeated updating of the AQUACOSM work program. Produce and provide up-to-date copies of the DoW to all consortium partners, associates and relevant stakeholders.

WP2 Integrated science strategy and governance from local to European scales

Lead: UNI


WP2 will provide an overall framework to guide the project work and strategy for long-term sustainability and impact of the RI on research and implementation of European policies. It will produce a long term strategy for development and integration of mesocosm facilities in Europe, with focus on the new capability that the integration of mesocosms provides to the international research community to address future scientific questions and to meet the societal challenges related to key environmental challenges such as climate change, impacts of contaminants and ecosystem disturbances.

In particular, the WP will tackle key scientific questions about how to best experiment and the adequacy of present science strategies to meet key environmental scientific and societal challenges (task 2.2 – science strategy). The present scientific focus and service level will be reviewed (task 2.1) in order to “unleash” the full innovation potential of the integrated infrastructure and to assess the capability that innovation can bring for supporting the long-term sustainability of AQUACOSM (task 2.3).

This WP will also look at long term financial and legal governance structures for the sustainable implementation of AQUACOSM infrastructures (task 2.4 – Governance strategy). Outcomes from tasks 2.2 and 2.4, together with results from the NA (WP3 and WP5), TA (WP6) and JRA (WP9) activities will provide the backbone for elaborating a roadmap for the sustainable development of the AQUACOSM RI, maximising its impacts on research and policy implementation, as well as innovation and value creation for Europe (task 2.5).


D2.1 Review of present conceptual state, capabilities and limitations of aquatic mesocosm facilities. (M17)

D2.2 Report on the science strategy (Two iterations at M24, M44).

D2.3 Report on the innovation potential of AQUACOSM (M42)

D2.4 A sustainable legal, governance and financial structure for AQUACOSM. (M38)

D2.5 Report on the AQUACOSM roadmap for the future. (M48)


Will consist of a review of the present capabilities and limitations of aquatic mesocosm facilities world-wide, both in terms of ability to conduct fundamental science to test present predictions and models, as well as investigating the to what extent present mesocosm science interact with potential stakeholders outside the traditional scientific world. We aim to explore new solutions and capacities that is may emerge from the novel interaction between previously often isolated domains, rivers, lakes, estuaries and open marine waters during the project period both in terms of research and as service for stakeholders. This information will be used as the basis for building a common science strategy for AQUACOSM (task 2.2) and as inputs to the assessment of the innovation potential and support for long-term sustainability of the European integrated infrastructure (task 2.3). On the scientific side, a special focus will be given to the present use of mesocosms towards the key environmental challenges addressed through AQUACOSM, namely impacts of climate changes and effects of contaminants on aquatic ecosystem function and services. This will lead to a first stage assessment of the approach for integrating the different AQUACOSM mesocosms around common scientific objectives. This will be connected to the best practice workshops in WP3 (NA2), and it will also provide a scientific framework to be implemented in WP9 (JRA3).

The information will be gathered through a questionnaire and consolidated through two workshops to be held at kick-off and after 10 months respectively. The outcomes of this task will be presented in a dedicated report (D2.1) that will be elaborated during the first year of the project and consolidated through a workshop on month 12. All mesocosm facility providers are expected to contribute at least to one workshop and answering a questionnaire.

Lead: SYKE

Will define a science strategy for the AQUACOSM-RI. It will address the need to harmonise and integrate the mesocosms in order to address key scientific questions or specific societal needs related to climate change, contaminants and ecosystem disturbances in Europe. Task 2.2 will also capitalise on the existing resources and infrastructure in order to achieve a long-lasting performance for the AQUACOSM. The science strategy will specifically focus on the practical implementations performed through WP3 (NA), WP5 (NA), WP9 (JRA) and WP6 (TA). Task 2.2 will mobilise the know-how within the AQUACOSM consortium to elaborate a common strategy addressing the identified key environmental challenges, while taking advantages of the joint availability of harmonised mesocosm facilities into an integrated research framework. Besides advances in technology (WP7 and 8), optimising the implementation of a European network of mesocosms clearly requires an a priori consideration of: (1) the integration between facilities in terms of their uniqueness and representativeness of specific aquatic environments and conditions to study complex coupled processes, and (2) the transition between local to regional and pan-European (Mediterranean to Arctic) experiments. AQUACOSM will adopt a nested approach to tackle these two questions.

SubTask 2.2.1 will further analyse the data collected through task 2.1 and will synthesise the recommendations on best practices (WP3) and experiences gained from the JRAs (WP7, 8 and 9) and from relevant TA projects in terms of practical integration of infrastructures for serving scientific challenges. The output of task 2.1 on the science focuses will be analysed from a European perspective and will then be integrated into the AQUACOSM science strategy. More specifically, this subtask will:

  • Assess how integrating mesocosms into a European infrastructure will lead for scientific breakthrough in marine and freshwater research.

  • Summarise how the different components of AQUACOSM can optimally interact and can jointly be used in practice for joint research. A dedicated meeting with WP3 on Best practices will be organised around M36 in order to gather consensual views on how the level of harmonisation reached in the project can support the exploitation of the full potential of AQUACOSM as a network of European mesocosms.

  • Propose strategies to increase the impact of European aquatic mesocosm research.

SubTask 2.2.2: Designing, and gaining experience from joint research activity (WP9) performed at a local/regional scale and aiming at demonstrating the ability of AQUACOSM efficiently address the identified environmental challenges. This will be achieved through tight interactions with the JRA-3 carried out through WP9. The activity of the team will be coordinated with those of the JRA-3, during the first 6 months of the project in order to optimise the experiments and tests to be carried out in WP9. Dedicated meetings will be organised at months 24 and 40 to collect experience and feedbacks from JRA-3 and integrate those in the proposed science strategy. The outcomes of the two subtasks will be presented in a report on the science strategy that will be elaborated and consolidated through two iterations during the course of the project.

Lead: UNI

Aims at establishing a long-term sustainability model for AQUACOSM based on innovation and service to the industry. It will use outcomes from task 2.1 to assess the present potential for innovation provided by AQUACOSM and propose concrete action plan for releasing this potential. Furthermore, close interaction with WP5 on engaging with the industry will be implemented in order to identify and create new opportunities for innovation and value-creation based on AQUACOSM.

Dialog with potential industrial users of AQUACOSM (WP5.4) will enable to identify key innovations that can lead to a leap in attractiveness of mesocosm facilities for industry-based research. In particular, we foresee that the aquaculture industry and maybe the oil and gas industry may become a significant actor/users of aquatic mesocosms. A general strategy will be elaborated for improving the visibility, the knowledge and the attractiveness of the AQUACOSM infrastructure for industry-based research.

A dialog with technology providers on the identified key innovation will be engaged through WP5.4 with the objectives of identifying key-enabling technologies that will support this paradigm shift in mesocosm-based research and industry users. The innovation forum activated in WP5 will play a major role in achieving task 2.3 objectives. We may consider consolidating the process with other tools such as questionnaire, phone interviews and direct bilateral meetings with key industry actors as identified in WP5. The outcome of this task will be reported in deliverable D2.3 as innovation-based strategy for AQUACOSM.

Lead: AU

Through this task AQUACOSM will establish links with national and regional funding agencies (e.g. JPI Ocean), which provide financial support, are part of the AQUACOSM scientific agenda, to ensure that they know the potential added value of their support through agencies are well aware of the capital investments required for mesocosm facilities, in the medium to long term, operational and recurring costs can be significant. This task will make an assessment of both the capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX) costs for the AQUACOSM infrastructure. In terms of a legal framework for the longterm implementation of AQUACOSM, an assessment will be conducted for the most commonly used legal forms (ESFRI, ERIC, AISBL) and a recommendation made as to which is the most suitable special purpose vehicle or legal entity for the RI. Finally, a comprehensive cost benefit and value analysis will be undertaken for AQUACOSM, outlining both the direct costs and benefits, but also the non-quantifiable costs and benefits associated with mesocosm facilities. The measurable impact on interested communities of users will be an inherent part of this analysis. Successes recorded through the WP6 (Transnational Access) will be used as a critical input factor in the cost benefit analysis. This will lead to the definition of a strategy for sustainability of AQUACOSM-RI as a European Research Infrastructure. Different models and options for the sustainability of AQUACOSM-RI through, for example alliances with other environment RI projects or services such as RI (e.g. Jerico-Next, upcoming H2020 marine biological station project) ESFRI (DANUBIUS-RI, SIOS, AnaEE, EMBRC, LIFEWATCH, ICOS) infrastructures, and the integration into existing legal entities will be investigated. A particular attention will be given to the progress realised in the H2020-ENVRI-plus project in term of integration of European RI. The outcome of this task will be presented in deliverable D2.4.


Task 2.5 will provide a global strategy for the implementation of a future Network of European Mesocosms, ensuring both the long lasting impact of the infrastructure for research and freshwater and marine environmental policies in Europe and the subsequent necessary governance and economic framework.

Task 2.5 will define the balance between scientific potentials and requirements (see task 2.1 and 2.2), the innovation potential (task 2.1 and 2.3) and financial and governance constraints, and their consequences in terms of sustainability (task 2.4). Task 2.5 will receive inputs from all other tasks of WP2 as well from WP3 (best practices), WP5 (engagement with stakeholders), WP6 (TA calls and projects), WP 7 and 8 on new technological developments and from WP9 (implementation and achievements of the JRA) by month Month 42 so that the last six-month of the project will be devoted to their synthesis to produce a key report recommending a roadmap for the durable implementation of a European network of mesocosms.

WP3 Transnational network of best practices, harmonisation and international training

Lead: UIB


WP3 will develop common guidelines and documentation for mesocosm facilities and provide platforms for cross fertilisation of ideas and training in mesocosm related research. The integration of freshwater and marine facilities under best practices aims to harmonise the quality of data and services the facilities provide, while jointly developing common technologies and documentation procedures. Through collecting, validating and distributing knowledge and information, WP3 will enhance the utilisation of the facilities in terms of their geographic and climatic diversity within Europe. A focus will be put on training of young scientists so that they can benefit from the full range of tools available for relevant research and improve training of staff and scientists managing, operating and conducting research on mesocosm infrastructures in Europe. WP3 will enhance the human capital and competitiveness of these infrastructures at an international level.

The harmonisation procedure in Task 1 will be facilitated by bringing the mesocosm community together in targeted and multidisciplinary workshops to discuss experimental design, setup and monitoring (MS11, Partner 18) and to challenge our current approaches in order to meet future challenges (MS25, Partner 9). Recommendations from these workshops will be summarised in minutes from the meetings (D3.2 and D3.3),Tasks 2, 3 and 4 aim at transfer of knowledge. A summer school on theoretical and practical aspects in mesocosm research will be carried out in the facilities of Partner 19 (MS30). The results from the experiment and course material, as well as feedback from the participants, will be made available to the community (D3.4 & D3.5). Documentation will be the specific target of deliverables 3.1&3.6. Factsheets for each facility and each TA experiment shall be collected and organised, and will subsequently be made available online (MS39). Finally, the knowledge and insights available from the large number of experts participating in AQUACOSM will, building on the previous guide on “Pelagic mesocosms” (Riebesell et al. 2010) be assembled in a best practices manual on aquatic mesocosm research (D3.7). Future approaches and challenges will be the subject of a position paper on state of the art and perspectives (D3.8). Outcomes of the TA and JRA activities will be presented in the AQUACOSM final symposium (MS40). WP3 will collaborate closely with all networking activities scheduled in the project.


D3.1 Factsheet template (M08)

D3.2 Minutes of Workshop 1 (M11)

D3.3 Minutes of Workshop 2 (M18)

D3.4 Report on results from the summer school experiment (M32)

D3.5 Student evaluation of course and recommendations by attendees (M34)

D3.6 Collation of factsheets from each experiment (M42)

D3.7 Best practice manual (M48)

D3.8 Review manuscript (M48)


Mesocosm-based approaches are considered as the most comprehensive tool to experimentally test wholeecosystem responses to stressors under present and future conditions. Despite their wide application, there is presently a lack of guidance on best practices in their applications. This has partly resulted from the fact that mesocosm approaches have developed in parallel for freshwater and marine environments. Common standards and an agreement on best practices is therefore urgently needed to improve the comparability of results across facilities and environments. To capitalise the full potential of this research tool, it is also critical to engage scientific disciplines not commonly involved in mesocosm experimentation at present. Broadening the scientific perspective and harmonising the methodological approaches will be key to better exploit mesocosm results, and to make full use of new technologies, inc. autonomous measurements. To this end WP3 will bring together leading experts from the wider mesocosm research community and beyond during 2 three-day workshops with the aim of

  1. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of existing facilities and approaches spanning the full range from river, lake, brackish and marine environments, concerning indoor and outdoor, pelagic, littoral and benthic facilities.
  2. Discussing and agreeing on best practices in mesocosm applications, including experimental design, replication, randomisation, core parameters to be measured, statistical data treatment and analysis, data reporting and archiving.
  3. Broadening the research scope and disciplinary spectrum of mesocosm experimentation; including expansion towards multifactorial approaches, evolutionary adaptation, export mechanisms, relevance of high frequency measurements and air-sea gas exchange.

Workshop 1 will focus on goals 1 & 2 and engage the broader mesocosm community with representatives from all environments, AQUACOSM mesocosm facilities and selected international experts. Workshop 2 will continue and complete goal 2 and further expand the scientific scope by addressing goal 3. This workshop will comprise a broad spectrum of expertise including numerical modelers, aquatic chemists, ecophysiologists, ecologists, evolutionary biologists, biogeochemists, statisticians, as well as experts on sensor development. For both workshops, special effort will be taken to include representatives from stakeholders and end users outside the project consortium. The ambition of the two interrelated workshop is to reinforce a network of leading experts, produce recommendations/checklists for existing mesocosm approaches and infrastructures, develop guidelines on best practices for mesocosm experimentation, and prepare a roadmap towards future mesocosm technologies (D2.5) serving the needs of tomorrow’s research communities.


The use of mesocosm experiments together with modelling/theoretical exercises is an excellent way to enhance our understanding about the base of the food web and to improve the understanding of general ecological principles. Training courses for PhD students and young scientists will communicate methods and approaches in contemporary mesocosm research. Participants will learn how to design and maintain experiments, collect and analyse material, and evaluate and explain results. The course will take place in the facilities of Partner 19 and consist of three phases: (1) Theoretical preparation (1-2 days), (2) Hands-on experience (7-9 days) and (3) Evaluation of the experiment performed through by the participants under guidance of experts in the field (1-3 days).

After an introduction to the general design of mesocosm experiments (1), the participants themselves will interactively decide on a short-term experiment they will prepare and perform (2) and evaluate the results utilising appropriate statistical, modeling and theoretical considerations (3). When the data are analysed and evaluated, the students will present the results to each other. A student will be nominated from attendees and lecturers, and paid by AQUACOSM, to present an overview of the summer school in the final symposium of the project.

The training activities will be conducted in the 96 pond mesocosm facility at Silwood Park. These are part of a new large global warming research programme connected to other European sites pan-Iberian study led by PI Miguel Araujo (CIBIO-UE, WP6). Dr Miguel Matias (CIBIO-UE/IMPERIAL) is based at Silwood and is involved in both of these large-scale projects. Silwood Park also offers world-leading lab and teaching facilities, and has a long history of running internationally renowned pedagogical courses. Experienced researchers will supervise the design, performance, analyses and evaluation. Potential topics for the experiment will be related to contemporary critical subjects on global change (e.g. darkening of the ocean, increased DOC from land to aquatic environments (one of the themes also addressed in WP9), increased temperature, altered nutrient loads or food web structure). The specific topic of the Summer School will be decided during the first annual meeting of AQUACOSM. The School attendees will evaluate the quality of knowledge disseminated during the summer school as well as the skills they have acquired. The evaluation will be used for future recommendations in training activities.


The purpose of the task is to create a hands-on repository of knowledge for each facility and provide common documentation for future use for potential users and to the scientific community that can serve as background for better planning and, more importantly, as a resource for future research. The information will be targeted towards better describing each infrastructure but also provide practical information and advice for future users. It will include metadata e.g. information on the type of experiment, parameters measured, available instrumentation and the associated risk assessment. It will also include a range of practical logistic information, contact persons etc. The standardised form/log will be used for each TA experiment and the information will be added into a database at each site. The template will be developed and provided to users who will have to submit this in conjunction with their final report after the completion of each TA activity. Factsheets and collated information will be made available online through WP4.

Lead: UIB

The objective of this task is to integrate the activities undertaken in WP3 in connection with other project activities (JRA, TA) and to document the project milestones for future use. The conclusions will be incorporated into the compilation of a best practices manual (D3.7). Although literature on use of mesocosm for specific tasks in either marine (e.g. Riebesell et al 2010) or freshwater (Davidson et al. 2015) exists, best practices manual for all aquatic areas (freshwaters and marine) is lacking at present. The new compendium will be freely available online on the mesocosm portal. From the “horizons” workshops (MS11 and MS25) we envision a “wish list” for the future to be compiled which will be circulated within the consortium for input and made available the best practice manual (D3.7). At the same time, the challenges, perspectives and limitations for future mesocosm research will be summarised in a position paper published in a peerreviewed journal (D3.8). The outcomes of the TA and JRA activities as well as the future perspective will be discussed during the project final symposium (MS40) organised by partners 7 and 8.

WP4 Data collection, standardisation and sharing



Overall aim of WP4 is to provide the basis for more effectively, measure, share and utilise mesocosm data between science infrastructures and for further open use across Europe and beyond. To this end standardised protocols will be developed to provide best practice advice on data collection and QA/QC, and to ensure that data are processed and stored in compatible formats. To facilitate data sharing a centralised metadatabase will be set up which will be accessible through the website developed in WP5. In development of the relational metadatabase we will draw on our experience within the Global Lake Observatory Network (GLEON) and the EU-Cost action NETLAKE (WP leader NIOO is partner and in the steering committees in both consortia) and the JPI-Water project PROGNOS (Co-WP leader AU partner and PI here). Upon consultation of the online open access metadatabase, data can be requested and shared between not only partners of the consortium, but also members of the scientific community at large. Data sharing will enable the exploration of topics not envisioned by the individual investigators and permits the creation of new data sets when data from multiple sources are combined. Interactive data visualisation products (plots) will be developed and integrated into the website allowing the rapid visualisation of mesocosm data.


Lead: METU

This task aims at standardising data collection and processing within the consortium. To this end, this task will:

  • Organise a workshop at the start of the project to inventory the present status of data collection and processing within the consortium, and to identify key challenges and solutions.
  • Establish best practice advice on data collection and quality assurance and control (QA/QC). Importantly, we will build on the expertise on data collection and quality assurance and control built up in GLEON and NETLAKE. Existing scripts will be tailored to handle data gaps and removal of outliers in mesocosm data.
  • Develop a standardised environment for processing & analysing biotic data (e.g. nomenclature, phylogeny & biovolume & carbon content calculation; links to trait databases).
  • Develop a standardised environment for processing & analysing abiotic data (e.g. light extinction, stoichiometry).
  • Develop a standardised environment for storing and analysing high frequency data generated by autonomous measurements, including QC routines (coop. WP8)

Lead: AU

This task aims at standardising database management in the decentralised repositories of the different partners within the consortium to ensure harmonisation of data formats, adequate storage and version control, backups and synchronisation of data. Harmonisation of data formats will disclose data for a multitude of applications, including e.g. the database approach to modelling (DATM; Mooij et al. 2014). To this end this task will:

  • Develop guidelines describing a standardised environment for decentralised database management
  • Develop a controlled vocabulary for data descriptors (metadata). Consistent descriptors of the data will enhance data deployment during and beyond the proposed AQUACOSM project.

Lead: NIOO

This task aims at setting up a metadatabase allowing for open access data sharing within and beyond AQUACOSM.

To this end this task will:

  • Use the controlled vocabulary to setup of a centralised web accessible metadatabase. This metadatabase will be maintained through a web-based filing system accessible through the website developed in WP5. Through the metadatabase, researchers and stakeholders get an up-to-date overview of the data streams available within AQUACOSM. Upon consultation of the metadabase, data can be requested and shared within and beyond the AQUACOSM community. Develop a policy brief on data sharing, data integrity and data accessibility, which will provide a benchmark for future infrastructure projects.
  • Develop a roadmap for sustained use of the (meta)databases beyond the lifetime of AQUACOSM to allow for full capitalisation of data gathered within the AQUACOSM project.

Lead: BLIT

This task aims at providing a standardised environment for (online) visualisation of data from the mesocoms facilities and experiments

To this end, this task will:

  • Develop a suite of web-based data visualisation products
  • Integrate the visualisation tools into the website to enable rapid and interactive visualisation of data from the mesocosm facilities and experiments. This website is developed in WP5, and the role of BLIT in both WP4 and WP5 will ensure a smooth interaction between development of visualisation tools and embedding them within the WP5 website.

WP5 Outreach: Dissemination and Stakeholder engagement

Lead: HCMR


The overall aim of WP5 is to provide a set of links joining the internal environment of the project with the outside world. To this end, a structured and continuous effort will be undertaken through exploiting a wide range of IT tools, and targeting a wide range of potential users and stakeholders. It is anticipated that this effort will not only increase the visibility of the project during its life time but will also continue to function after the end of this project providing information on and access to this network of facilities. The main elements of WP5 include: the development of a website which will be used as a central project communication and dissemination tool (Task 5.1), the attraction and assistance of the widest possible range of users to the Transnational Access provision to all partner facilities (Task 5.2), the implementation of a detailed communication strategy to inform, interact and engage with all of the major relevant target groups (Task 5.3), the design and implementation of a set of specific actions for capacity building (Task 5.4) and the establishment of specific actions for engaging with targeted industries (Task 5.5).


D5.1 AQUACOSM website for project dissemination and networking (M6)

D5.2 TA portal for coordination of TA provision (M6)

D5.3 First report on dissemination activities (social networking, press releases, brochures, leaflets, blog etc.) (M18)

D5.4 Second report on dissemination activities (social networking, press releases, blog etc.) (M36)

D5.5 Third report on dissemination activities (social networking, press releases, brochures, leaflets, blog etc.) (M48)

D5.6 First set of educational material (Modules, training activities etc) (M18)

D5.7 Second set of educational material (Modules, interactive application, training activities etc) (M48)

D5.8 Minutes of ACIF workshop 1 (M12)

D5.9 Minutes of ACIF workshop 2 (M24)

D5.10 Minutes of ACIF workshop 3 (M40)

D5.11 Final report on the KTN (M40)

Lead: BLIT

A project website ( will be created to act as a platform to enhance the cooperation in aquatic mesocosm-based science. The website will be used to ensure smooth and effective communication within the AQUACOSM consortium and with the identified external user groups in order to:

  • Structure and provide information and facilitate dialogs on all AQUACOSM Networking Activities (WP2, 3, 4, 5), specifically to attract stakeholders and other participants. This includes workshops and scientific training as described in WP3.
  • Facilitate web-based communications for the AQUACOSM Joint Research Activities described in WP7, 8 & 9. Web based tools (forum, blog and social media connected utilities) will be implemented to foster collaborative communications within the project and with external stakeholders and user groups.
  • Disseminate scientific and technical AQUACOSM results from WP9 by using photo galleries, movies and video-supported material.
  • Offer a site for internal AQUACOSM communication and data exchange, as described in WP4.
  • Provide cross-linking to the world-wide portal ( of information on mesocosm facilities (initiated during the FP7 marine mesocosm facility project MESOAQUA, lead by FVB-IGB) and to be used to promote AQUACOSM visibility and long-term strategy (WP2).
  • Provide interactive visualisations of the data from the mesocosm facilities (in coordination with Task 4.4) to allow rapid review of individual and integrated datasets.
  • Links to all WPs: all WPs will use the website to present, organise and disseminate their activities.
  • After the end of AQUACOSM, the website will be maintained at FVB-IGB to ensure the on-going management of international mesocosm research and activities.


  1. Design of structure and providing information to attract and communicate with potential users of Transnational Access to the facilities described in WP6. This includes communication to support coordination of externally initiated TA research activities with internal research plans at the different facilities (WP6). Facilitate initiation of contacts between new users and facilities outside the AQUACOSM consortium in Europe and elsewhere.

  2. Supply of information on the application process for Transnational Access including eligibility, how, when and where to apply. Processing applications for Transnational Access to the facilities described in WP6 using a web-based call and application process and communicate transparency of TA selection process.

  3. Link to WP1 by assisting the User Selection Panel (USP) in handling of the TA proposals, WP2 and 3 by facilitating communication on design and best practice approaches of proposed experiments, communicating contact to WP4 for data handling routines and for WP6 by ensuring that TA provision will be visible to the outside the AQUACOSM consortium.

Lead: UIB

Target groups will include the research community, all levels of education and relevant industries (Task 5.5). To reach these target groups, AQUACOSM will use key communication methods including:

At the start of the project, a brief presentation of AQUACOSM will be sent / uploaded to:

  • Potential TA users through the mailing list of MESOAQUA, as well as through specific platforms and networks such as MEDOBIS, PLANKTONNET, The Freshwater Blog, Freshwater Information Platform, etc.
  • Targeted social media networks and user groups (via ResearchGate, LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter, etc.).
  • Also, an active dialog will be created to seek long-term collaboration towards a unified European Roadmap for effective networking between all relevant activities. This includes: AnaEE, e-LTER, EXPER, DANUBIUS etc and all relevant partners in the ESFRI roadmap. An effective and lasting international integration in the European Research Area will also be a main task of the AQUACOSM Advisory Board (see Section 3.6 above).
  • Press release advertising the start of the project and also every time major activities take place (TA experiments, JRAs, workshops, summer courses, Symposium etc) or when major achievements are reached (results of JRAs).
  • Dissemination of AQUACOSM activities and advancement by means of a blog.
  • Project presentation at related conferences, congresses or meetings of relevant projects.
  • Preparation of dissemination material (brochures, leaflets, etc) to be distributed by all partners in meetings, conferences etc. Partners will use common brochures, posters and other materials.
  • Presentation of AQUACOSM activities at under- and post-graduate courses by the academic partners.
  • Communication of AQUACOSM activities to relevant industries involved in underwater technology, sensors etc.
  • Promote the AQUACOSM Community website amongst EU government agencies with aiming to engage governmental bodies to act as “intelligent lead customers” in sourcing innovative technologies.

Links to WP3,4,6,7,8,9. All workshops, training activities and symposium (WP3, WP4, Task 5.4 and 5.5) will be advertised to the public and target groups as well as the TA (WP6) and JRA (WP7,8,9) activities.

Lead: METU

This Task will increase European human capacity building in mesocosm-based research. To reach this goal, Task 5.4 will:

  • Develop module(s) presenting AQUACOSM activities and possibilities to run high value research in mesocosms: to be used as training material at the MSc and PhD courses of the academic partners.
  • Develop an Educational Interactive mobile/tablet application focusing on the use of mesocosms to run ecosystem experiments targeted to pupils and students. The application will simulate a “real” mesocosm experiment where the treatments will be controlled by users.
  • Organise short-time education activities in aquaria to introduce primary school pupils to mesocosm ecosystem experimentation
  • Organise tours of under- or post-graduate students to AQUACOSM facilities when TA or JRA experiments are taking place (WP6, 7, 8, 9) in facilities closely connected with and/or geographically close placed to universities
  • Disseminate material from the training courses, workshops (WP3 through the AQUACOSM website and other Social Media

Links to WP 3, 6, 7, 8, 9. The TA (WP6), JRA (WP 7, 8, 9) and training (WP3) activities will be communicated to pupils, MSc and PhD students.

Lead: UNI

The purpose of this task is to establish a base for dialogues with the industrial providers and users of AQUACOSM for maximising innovation and support sustainability. Close interaction with WP2.3 on innovation as support for sustainability will be implemented with the goal to identify and create new opportunities for innovation and value-creation based on AQUACOSM. Consultation and dialogue with industry will be pursued through the AQUACOSM Innovation Forum (ACIF that will be a link between AQUACOSM’s scientific community and both industrial providers of mesocosm technologies and industrial users of the facilities. This will create synergy for maximising innovation and economical output.

Dialogue with potential industrial users of AQUACOSM will be sought in order to identify key innovations that can lead to a leap in attractiveness of mesocosm facilities for industry-based research. A special focus will be given to industry actors from the aquaculture. A dialogue with technological providers, industry and SMEs specialised mechanical engineering, especially instrument development and in water constructions, will be engaged with the objectives of developing the identified key-enabling technologies that will bring up the mesocosm-based research to a state of the art. The collaboration with technological providers will result in a better availability of equipment designed for mesocosm research (sensor systems allowing high spatial and temporal resolution and profiling; ice resistant mesocosm setups; collaboration with WP7&8).

The ACIF will play a major role in achieving WP2.3 as well as WP7 & 8 objectives. Specific actions encompass:

  • Agree on cluster membership and invite participants,
  • Establish the ACIF, and carry out three ACIF workshops, tentatively at M12, M24 and M36, but rather focused on relevant international technology events (most relevant for aquatic technology are e.g. Ocean Business, Ocean International)
  • Set up a Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) for mesocosm research, to be promoted through Tasks 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.

Links to WP3, 7, 8 and 9: Three workshops will include knowledge sharing from WP3 to inspire confidence in the end-user community that harmonisation and standardisation is assured with any AQUACOSM labelled products or services. The case studies and technology clusters of WP7, 8 and 9 will be reflected in the choice of representative members of AQUACOSM on the KTN for mesocosm research.

WP6 Provision of trans-national access to all AQUACOSM facilities.



WP6 of AQUACOSM aims to offer European researchers effective and well-organised access to unique and diverse aquatic mesocosm facilities. This will be achieved by transnational access (TA) activities. Emphasis is placed on providing high-quality infrastructures and services that enable users to conduct first-class experimental research focusing on the environmental change impacts on ecosystem dynamics. However, facilities are also open for any other suitable R&D project. An additional goal of transnational access offered to eligible researchers from Europe and third countries is to foster collaboration among users of different mesocosm facilities, with particular focus on new collaborations between currently separated scientific communities of users of freshwater and marine mesocosm infrastructure facilities, as well as with industries, environmental managers, and other relevant stakeholders. WP6 is a key element of AQUACOSM’s objective to extend the current mesocosm network from its established marine nucleus (rooted in the highly successful FP7 MESOAQUA project) to the freshwater science community and its unique infrastructures designed to perform experimental studies in streams and rivers, lakes and ponds, as well as estuaries across a broad geographic range from the Arctic to the Mediterranean. Through the trans-national access administered in WP6, AQUACOSM aims to greatly enhance the efficiency of experimental infrastructure management and service provision by means of optimised, harmonised, and coordinated access procedures (see also WP1). These efforts are complemented by an effective public interface established by WP5 at

Description of work

WP6 will be led by Partner 1, FVB-IGB (Berger), assisted by Partner 3, UIB (Tsagaraki), and the Project Coordinator at FVB-IGB (Nejstgaard). The WP subsumes the activities of AQUACOSM relating to the provision of Transnational Access (TA). Standardised procedures for providing TA will be followed across all mesocosm facilities. General information is given here, since several core elements of WP6 are shared among most or all infrastructures. They relate to the Modality of Access, Support Offered, Review Procedures and Outreach to New Users. Detailed descriptions and specificities applicable to the individual infrastructures are described in Tasks 6.1 to 6.19.

Modality of access under AQUACOSM: Individual users or user groups (henceforth ‘users’) will be given access to the AQUACOSM partner infrastructures, equipment and services according to a standardised protocol (see below). The unit of access offered by all facilities is person-days, although details of access vary among infrastructures, depending on location, typical duration of experiments, required number of person-days, capacities of local staff, integration of AQUACOSM activities into established schedules, degree of user independence and other factors. Unless noted otherwise in the description of Tasks 6.1-6.19, costs are calculated as unit costs in € per user-day according to the methodology laid out by the European Commission. Included are costs incurring during experiments but also for preparatory work needed before and after the arrival of users at the site. Specific training on site required to complete a specific project is also included. An overview of all partner facilities access costs and the total of access provided is summarised in Table 3.2c whereas travel and subsistence costs are listed in Table 3.4.c.

Support offered under AQUACOSM: The logistic support and services offered to users supported by AQUACOSM Transnational Access is described individually for each of the mesocosm facilities (see Task 6-1-6.19). Generally, however, it includes travel costs, accommodation at the site, a per-diem as well as scientific, technical and administrative support. The scientific environment in which users will be embedded varies among locations, but scientifically strong, active and open-minded research groups associated with most AQUACOSM facilities typically ensure a stimulating and rewarding research experience during TA activities. The application process and administrative procedures before and during TA activities will be coordinated in WP6 and WP1 for the entire network of mesocosm infrastructures in AQUACOSM. However, each facility will manage all other aspects of its own TA activities, for which the facility providers are responsible.

Outreach to new users: An effort will be made to attract and support a wide range of users through AQUACOSM Transnational Access activities. In particular, WP6 will focus on attracting three distinct but not mutually exclusive groups of users:

  • Researchers or developers from SMEs and other industries keen on developing or testing instruments or interested in other applications (see WP5.5, WP8)
  • Researchers from countries that lack state-of-the-art freshwater or marine mesocosm facilities (see also WP5)
  • Researchers not previously involved in experimental investigations conducted in aquatic mesocosm facilities

Information about opportunities for TA will be widely disseminated via various channels. The AQUACOSM website, in particular, will serve as a central hub to make TA calls for designated experiments and announce open time slots at all AQUACOSM facilities. In addition, announcements will be made through various other outlets developed in WP5, including social media and professional meetings.

Review procedure under AQUACOSM: TA proposals must be electronically submitted at (WP5.2) and undergo a standardised review-process compliant with EU-regulations. Users will be selected based on the principles of transparency, fairness and impartiality:

  • Incoming TA applications are initially collected, sorted and registered by the AQUACOSM Project Office (WP1) and checked for formal compliance according to the present European Commission Requirements.
  • The Project Office then forwards all formally correct applications to the independent User Selection Panel (USP), which is composed of four distinguished aquatic scientists with international expertise on all aquatic systems addressed in WP6 (see 3.2)
  • The USP is asked to prioritise applications for transnational access according to a set of transparent criteria (see Application Assessment). Most important are scientific merit and attributes of prospective users as defined above.
  • The Steering Committee (SC) and WP6 task leaders will then comment on the feasibility of the proposed activities at the specific sites based on the available expertise, collaboration potential and schedules at the respective facility.
  • Final decisions are taken by the USP after consultation of the SC and respective task leaders.
  • Facility providers start organising the planned activity as soon as they are informed about approved TA applications
  • Decisions on TA approval will be also reported to the Project Office and publicly communicated via the outreach pathways of WP5.


D6.1 Report on quantity of Transnational Access delivered by all partner facilities (6.1-6.19) before M24, to be delivered with the 2nd Scientific report to the EC (M36)

D6.2 Report on quantity of Transnational Access delivered by all partner facilities (6.1-6.19) between M25 and M46, to be delivered with the 3nd Scientific report to the EC (M48)

Provision of TA to FVB-IGB: IGB-LakeLab

Contact name: Mark Gessner

Name of the infrastructure: IGB LakeLab

Location of the infrastructure: Lake Stechlin, Stechlin, Germany, 80 km north of Berlin

Web site address:

Provision of TA to WCL: LMI (Lead: WCL, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Robert Ptacnik

Name of the infrastructure: Lunz Mesocosm Infrastructure (LMI)

Location of the infrastructure: Lunz am See, 150 km southwest of Vienna, Austria

Web site addresses:,, %20Flumes&category=FIELD%20SITES

Provision of TA to LMU: LMU Mesocosms (Lead: LMU, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Maria Stockenreiter

Name of the infrastructure: LMU Mesocosms

Location of the infrastructure: Seeon-Seebruck, 80 km southeast of Munich, Germany

Web site address:

Provision of TA to ENS: PLANAQUA (Lead: ENS, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Gerard Lacroix

Name of the infrastructure: National Experimental Platform in Aquatic Ecology (PLANAQUA)

Location of the infrastructure: Saint-Pierre-lès-Nemours, 70 km southeast of Paris, France

Web site address:

Provision of TA to AU: AU LMWE (Lead: ENS, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Eric Jeppesen

Name of the infrastructure: AU Lake Mesocosm Warming Experiment (LMWE)

Location of the infrastructure: Silkeborg, Denmark

Web site address:

Provision of TA to SYKE: SYKE-MRC Mesocosm Facility (Lead: SYKE, M 13-48)

Contact name: Timo Taminen

Name of the infrastructure : SYKE-MRC (Marine Research Centre) Mesocosm Facility

Location of the infrastructure: Helsinki, Finland

Web site address:

Provision of TA to UH: Tvärminne Mesocosm Facility (Lead: UH, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Joanna Norkko

Name of the infrastructure: Tvärminne Mesocosm Facility (TMF)

Location of the infrastructure: Hanko peninsula, Finland

Web site address:

Provision of TA to CIBIO-UE: Iberian Pond Network (Lead: CIBIO-UE, M 13-48)

Contact name: Miguel Araujo

Name of the infrastructure: Iberian Pond Network (IPN)

Location of the infrastructure: Iberian Peninsula with 2 sites in Portugal and 4 sites in Spain

Web site address:

Provision of TA to IMPERIAL: SMF (Lead: IMPERIAL, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Michelle Jackson

Name of the infrastructure : Silwood Mesocosm Facility (SMF)

Location of the infrastructure: Silwood Park Campus, Imperial College London, Ascot, UK

Web site address:

Provision of TA to NIVA: SEF (Lead: NIVA, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Nikolai Friberg and Benjamin Kupilas

Name of the infrastructure: Solbergstrand Experimental Facility (SEF)

Location of the infrastructure: Drøbak, located by the Oslofjord, Norway

Web site address:

Provision of TA to UBA: FSA (Lead: UBA, Month 13-36)

Contact name: Silvia Mohr

Name of the infrastructure: Artificial Stream and Pond System (FSA)

Location of the infrastructure: Berlin, Germany

Web site address:

Provision of TA to UIB: UiB Mesocosm Centre

Contact name: Jorun Egge

Name of the infrastructure: UiB Mesocosm Centre (University of Bergen Mesocosm Centre)

Location of the infrastructure: Marine Biological Station, Espegrend, 20 km south of Bergen, Norway

Web site address:

Provision of TA to NIOO/KNAW: Limnotrons

Contact name: Lisette de Senerpont Domis

Name of the infrastructure: Limnotrons

Location of the infrastructure: Wageningen, The Netherlands

Web site address:

Provision of TA to HCMR: CRETACOSMOS (Lead: HCMR, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Paraskevi Pitta

Name of the infrastructure: CRETACOSMOS

Location of the infrastructure: Ex American Base, Crete, Greece, 25 km east of Heraklion

Web site address:

Provision of TA to METU: METU Mesocosm System (Lead: METU, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Meryem Bekioglu

Name of the infrastructure: METU Mesocosm System

Location of the infrastructure: METU Campus in Ankara, Turkey

Web site address:

Provision of TA to GEOMAR: KOSMOS (Lead: GEOMAR, Month 13-36)

Contact name: Ulf Riebesell

Name of the infrastructure: KOSMOS (Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosms for Future Ocean Simulations)

Location of the infrastructure: Seagoing mobile platform operated in moored or free-floating mode by GEOMAR Kiel, Germany

Web site address:

Provision of TA to GEOMAR: KOB (Lead: GEOMAR, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Martin Wahl

Name of the infrastructure: KOB (Kiel-Outdoor-Benthocosms)

Location of the infrastructure: Kiel, Germany

Web site address:

Provision of TA to CNRS-MARBEC: MEDIMEER (Lead: CNRS, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Behzad Mostajir

Name of the infrastructure: MEDIMEER (MEDIterranean platform for Marine Ecosystem Experimental Research)

Location of the infrastructure: Sète, France

Web site address:

Provision of TA to UMU: MF-UMSC (Lead: UMU, Month 13-48)

Contact name: Johan Wikner, Henrik Larsson

Name of the infrastructure: Mesocosm Facility at Umeå Marine Sciences Center (MF-UMSC)

Location of the infrastructure: Norrbyn, 40 km south of Umeå, Sweden

Web site address:

WP7 Transforming leading freshwater and marine technologies to enable pan-European experimental ecosystem studies across all climates

Lead: Umeå University, Sweden


WP7 explore a novel combination of leading freshwater and marine expertise in AQUACOSM to overcome several major limitations in present mesocosm based science:

  • Lack of standardisation hamper comparisons between facilities and experiments, limiting our ability to understand the functioning of ecosystems from local to global scales.
  • Wave action prohibiting pelagic mesocosms in open lake and marine areas, effectively omitting most of the marine and large lake pelagic ecosystem from mesocosm experimentation. This is especially critical in most southern European areas where natural well-protected coastal areas such as fjords are scarce.
  • Fouling, especially in pelagic mesocosms, prohibits long experiments (months-years), relevant for many expected ecosystem responses to climate as well as human drivers.
  • Lack of resistance to ice formation has prohibited winter studies in Alpine, Boreal and Arctic areas of Europe. This is critical since sites with seasonal ice are predicted to be most sensitive to elevated temperature.

The AQUACOSM consortium encompass pioneering expertise on each of these fields; the FVB-IGB LakeLab (WP6.1) is ice-resistant, the GEOMAR KOSMOS (WP6.6) is resistant to waves up to ca. 3 m and have (manual) systems for wall cleaning, The Lake Warming Experiment at AU (WP6.13) are presently running the worlds longest climate warming experiment (13 years). However, there exist no mesocosm that is resistant to both waves and ice. WP7 therefore aim to design a novel mesocosm type allowing experiments in ice and moderate waves (minimum 1m), combined with an effective and low maintenance system to minimise wall growth, all in an affordable mobile mesocosm: the AQUACOSM. The design and use of the AQUACOSM will be widely promoted by the AQUACOSM project, aiming to support a rapidly growing network of tightly collaborative mesocosm projects throughout Europe and globally. These goals will be achieved through by completing 6 Tasks.


D7.1 Final water collector system constructed (M24)

D7.2 AQUACOSMS constructed (M38)

D7.3 Antifouling concept report (M48)

D7.4 Arctic test report (M48)

Lead: FVB-IGB, Co-Lead: GEOMAR, Contributors: UMU, Month 1-14

The concept development will start already at the kick-off meeting by visits to the ice resistant LakeLab and wave resistant KOSMOS systems, involving the entire consortium. The design will be further discussed at the best practice workshops (WP3.1) and by engineering expertise from SMEs and other stakeholders in the AQUACOSM Innovation Forum (ACIF), workshops and Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN, WP5.5). Prerequisites are that the mesocosm should be medium sized (ca. 2 m diameter, allowing for comparisons with many previous mesocosm studies), affordable, adoptable for shallow water and ice and wave resistant. The AQUACOSM shall also be uncomplicated to disassemble and allow compact packing and transport.

Lead: GEOMAR, Co-Lead: FVB-IGB, Participants: HCMR, UMU, Months 1-24

The usage range of the AQUACOSMS to exposed waters will be extended by a water collector system recently developed at GEOMAR.

The system shall be usable at variable depth in lakes, larger rivers and coastal waters from the Mediterranean to the Arctic. Disturbance of sampled organisms will be minimised and operation adapted to the AQUACOSMS. Following tests off Gran Canaria, it will be further evaluated at HCMR in Eastern Mediterranean, and in the Arctic, at Svalbard (see WP9.2.2).

Lead: UMU, Participants: CNRS, FVB-IGB and GEOMAR, Month 8-32

The design that has been developed within Task 7.1 by month 7 will be used to construct one prototype Aquacosm, in order to examine physical requirements in sea-ice during the first winter (M11-M17). The initial ice test and further refined concept will be used to improve the prototype further, to be tested at fully realistic scale, during winter and summer M23-32. This test will be coordinated with testing a set of autonomous probes developed in WP8.

Lead: WCL, Co-Lead: FVB-IGB, Participants: GEOMAR, Month 18-48

Less laborious cleaning systems than presently available in e.g. KOSMOS will be developed by a new method to keep fouling inside the mesocosms at a low level without adding or removing any material from the mesocosms. Non-pellucid double layer mesocosm bags, where the inner layer is turned ca. weekly (WCL-Ptacnik and FVB-IGB-Berger unpublished) should effectively allow long-time/seasonal studies, also in these medium-sized Aquacosms. This is especially important as many previous mesocosm studies may have been too short to reveal true long-time effects of ecosystem disturbances. Alternative systems for handling wall growths, e.g. modification of the KOSMOS system will also be tested with the prototype to evaluate which one functions best with the AQUACOSMS under ice and ice-free conditions. Best construction will be selected, 6-9 units produced and sent to NyÅlesund with the AQUACOSMS (Task 7.6) for the Arctic test (WP9.2.2)

Lead: UMU, Participants: FVB-IGB and GEOMAR, Month 32-38

With final design based on previous tasks, 6-12 (depending on cost) standardised AQUACOSMS will be produced by SMEs, sought in AQUACOSM Innovation Forum (WP5.5) and open market.

Lead: UMU, Co-Lead: FVB-IGB, (Participants: CNRS, in WP9.2.2), Month 41-48

The final AQUACOSMS will be shipped to NyÅlesund and tested together with autonomous probes developed in WP8, wall growth suppressing and water collection systems from Task 7.2 & 7.4.

The test in Svalbard will be part of a Joint Research Activity, on key scientific questions along major environmental and bio-geographical gradients (Task 9.2).

WP8 Autonomous measurements

Lead: WCL


To develop a best practice approach for (semi-) autonomous analysis of physical, chemical and biological parameters in mesocosm experiments. The WP will survey the relevant sensors and probes. Cost efficient setups will be co-developed in cooperation with leading providers of sensing devices. A key aspect is to enhance spatial and temporal resolution beyond the point feasible with setups routinely used to date. Within the context of global change (GC) research, WP8 will thus foster and demonstrate novel instrumentation systems enabling high-frequency observations in widely compatible data formats, describing ecosystem responses to GC and other anthropogenic pressures over European-wide environmental gradients.

The Joint Research Action will have two major impacts in the field of mesocosm-based aquatic research.

  1. Enhancing spatial and temporal resolution which will allow a deeper insight in and modelling of key processes and interactions in the planktonic food web.

  2. By fostering the development and spread of cost- effective gear, equipment for standardised data collection will become available to the community, allowing better comparability of experiments carried out in Europe and around the world. The approach will therefore be essential to make best use of results of international mesocosm research in terms of yielding reliable ecosystem response scenarios to GC and related anthropogenic pressures.

Links to other WPs.

For defining research and development needs, WP8 will closely collaborate with WP3, where best practices in mesocosm research will be reviewed. The WSs in WP3 will directly give input to Task 8.1 in WP8. WP8 will also collaborate closely with WP7 on the development of future mesocosm research. The sensors developed in WP8 will take into consideration the requirements co-developed with WP7, regarding cold- water environments. Finally, WP8 will make use of the ongoing JRA in WP9 – experiments in this WP will be utilised for testing prototypes of WP8.

Furthermore, WP8 will collaborate with WP4 on agreement on standards for data formats. In order to provide input to the industry in terms of R&D, gaps and research needs in context of available sensoring systems will be identified in WP3 and 8to be forwarded to the Innovation Forum in WP5.


D8.1 Report on the current status and aims for AquaBox (M8)

D8.2 Report on the current status and aims for LAMP Sensor System (M10) D8.3 Final report LAMP Sensor System (M48)

D8.4 Final report AquaBox (M48)

D8.5 Final report data acquisition system (M48)

Task 8.1. Based on the best practice analysis and reviews on existing systems (WP3), we will identify the technical aims in terms of automated sensoring for tomorrow’s mesocosm research. Two technically-oriented topical workshops on sensor systems will be held in the early phase of the project (M3-6) to organise our effort in optimisations of relevant sensor systems: detailed development plans for an in situ LAMP Sensor System (Task 8.1.1) and an integrated flow-through measurement system (Task 8.1.2), both aiming at delivering high-frequency, real-time data on planktonic processes. The two systems are complementary in the gaps they fill and are therefore developed in parallel as this will result in more flexibility for performing mesocosm experiments under different conditions and at varying localities. The LAMP Sensor Systeme will be developed to be deployed even under ice, and therefore would be suitable for working in extreme conditions (like arctic under ice operations). Moreover, the LAMP Sensor System is designed for automatically monitoring at high frequency (up to 20 measurements p hr) and high precision requiring a minimum of maintenance, thus allowing for experiments at remote locations/involving limited personnel. The AquaBox, on the other hand, is a stationary system mounted on a e.g. raft and connected through valves and tubing to mesocosms. Hence it allows employing high precision measurements that require closed flow cells and chemical reagents (like nutrient measurements). Involving technology such as sequential flow analytics, the AquaBox has higher requirements in terms of maintenance (chemical reagents) and power supply.

Both systems will create data at high frequency (but temporal resolution will be much higher for the Lamp Sensor System), which allows to address processes acting over short time scales (e.g. diurnal cycles; short- term responses to fertilisation). Experts on analysis of high frequency data are involved in this WP (E.Jeppesen, AU; Francesco Pomati, EAWAG) and will share their experience. A topical WS on data handling and interpretation of high frequency data will be organised in WP3 early in the project.

Subtask 8.1.1: WS on LAMP Sensor System at CNRS/Montpellier (Lead: CNRS, Contributors: WCL, SYKE, RF Sense, Month 6)

Presentation of available LAMP Sensor System and other in situ sensors. It is envisaged to invite also SMEs such as SYSTEA to present theoretically and practically the nutrient probes. The objective of this WS is to share the knowledge about existing sensors and to discuss their optimal use in mesocosm experiments. Furthermore, adjustments of the sensor system for the mesocosm experiments scheduled in WP7 & WP9 will be detailed.

Subtask 8.1.2: WS on flow-through technology at SYKE/Helsinki (Lead: SYKE, Contributors: WCL, LMU, CNRS, Month 8).

Existing solutions for flow-through measurements systems (Ferrybox systems, other unattended platforms in buoys, gliders, coastal stations etc.) are reviewed and analysed regarding to their applicability to mesocosm research with multiple treatment units. This WS serves also to specify the aims for subtask 8.2.2. as to match the experimental setup in WP7 & WP9.

Task 8.2: Development of standardised sensor systems (Lead: WCL, Contributors: SYKE, CNRS, LMU, GEOMAR, AU, ENS, IGB, RF-SENS, Month 10-48).

Starting from existing systems, this task will advance the technology in autonomous measurements in mesocosm research. We will benefit from existing collaborations of partners (including related RI consortia such as Jerico-NEXT). SME companies will be involved through subcontracting for contributing specific sensoring technology whenever necessary.

Task-8.1 (1).png

Fig. 8.1. Sketch of the basic setup of Lamp Sensor System and Aquabox. The main data logger of the LAMP Sensor System controls the operation of the sensors and can be used for relaying messages for adjusting the sensors as well as for transmission of data to a remote PC on the research vessel or on land (up to 5 km distance). Power supply for LAMP Sensor System can be provided by a solar panel, a 36 Ah 12 V battery, or from main land. Power supply for Aquabox will be provided from main land. The AquaBox is controlled from a land-based IT infrastructure.

8.2.1: LAMP Sensor System (LampSS) development (Lead: CNRS-MARBEC, Contributors: SYKE, WCL, RF-SENS, Month 1-48)

A set of commercial sensors was developed to mesocosm experiments (e.g. electronic devices, software, etc.) by partner 10 CNRS-MARBEC (former CNRS ECOSYM) during the FP7 European project MESOAQUA. This set of sensors, installed in the LAMP (Lite aquatic Automated Mesocosm Platform), permits monitoring (minutes) physical, chemical and biological parameters at high temporal resolution without manipulation of the mesocosm water, and transmits the data via RF to a central data hub in real time. Hence key information on pelagic food web metabolism are monitored in a non-invasive approach (Mostajir et al. 2013, L&O: Methods 394-409). A separate module installed on the mesocosm platform captures incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR: 400-700 nm) and ultraviolet A and B radiation (315-380 and 280- 315 nm, respectively), together with meteorological data.

In the AQUACOSM project, the LAMP Sensor System and associated dataloggers will be further developed. This will result in a more robust system with the possibility to include new sensors that can be employed also in extreme conditions. A radio module is coupled, permitting data download as well as remote control of the system to e.g. change the protocol of measurements. Currently the datalogger is installed outside the mesocosm. The system will be miniaturised allowing installation directly inside the mesocosm. The miniaturisation of the datalogger assemblage and its vicinity to sensors allow a significant reduction of cable lengths. The LAMP Sensor System will be developed to handle a large number of digital probes (e.g. nutrient probes, light sensors, laser diffraction sensor, etc.), offering modular opportunities and greater flexibility. This permits to adapt the system to mesocosms with different diameter (for example, the new AQUACOSM in WP7).

The current LAMP Sensor pack and data acquisition/transmission system have been successfully tested in the Mediterranean environments during FP7 MESOAQUA project. However, although most of the probes and electronic cards can nominally operate at a minimum temperature of -5°C, the LAMP Sensors and associated electronics have never been tested at temperatures below 0°C. Adaptation of the system to arctic conditions will be prepared and tested. Adequate datalogger and electronics components will be chosen, and heating options tested, in order to maintain constant temperature for correct operation. Finally, the last improvement of the systemconsists on the choice and test of the best power supply (i. e. batteries, solar energy). At present, all data collected by sensors of each mesocosm (including meteorological station) are saved in an independent datalogger (CR1000). Each data logger then send all data to a hub collector (CR3000) that save and transmit them to a remote PC on the vessel or on land. In task 8.2.3. (below), the existing data hub will be integrated in a general data analysis system.

8.2.2: AquaBox (Lead: SYKE, Participants: WCL, RF-Sense, LMU, GEOMAR, CNRS-MARBEC, Month 1-48)

Based largely on the Ferrybox technology that has emerged from previous projects (among them FP7 Jerico), and is currently being further developed at SYKE (H2020 project Jerico-NEXT), we will design a compact and modular flow-through system (AquaBox) capable for high-precision monitoring of mesocosms. AquaBox combines peristaltic pumps (Fig. 8.1) and multichannel valves, flow cells and sequential flow technology, performing autonomous measurements successively from several mesocosms installed in a joint rig. By employing flow-through sensors/analysers and OA software for system control, data retrieval, data QA/QC, and wireless data transfer, the system can perform multiple measurements on each water sample, allowing for high precision and reproducibility, as well as semi-continuous measurement frequencies hitherto unobtained in mesocosm studies.

During software development, involving sensor integration, data acquisition, data vocabularies, data transfer, data storage and metadata collection, we closely cooperate with WP4 to conform to EU data policies and enable interaction with related H2020 projects like Jerico-Next and NEXOS.

A modular, readily expandable system structure and control software for AquaBox will be first developed and tested with a basic set of sensors for key properties most prone to temporal variation in planktonic systems during mesocosm experiments (temperature, oxygen, in vivo phytoplankton pigment fluorescence at several wavelengths). Robust solutions for environmental tolerance and off-grid power acquisition will be studied, built (outsourcing/subcontracting), and subjected to field tests. At least 2 such versions of AquaBox will be delivered for field tests in joint WP9 campaigns during the latter stages of the project.

A key development task in 8.2.2 will be the assessment of feasibility and further demonstration of expanding the basic AquaBox structure to integrate additional functions, and measurements requiring advanced analysers, into its physical and control architecture, such as: automated water sample retrieval, inorganic nutrient analyses (miniaturised wet chemistry), Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (FRRF) and Pulse Amplification Modulated (PAM) fluorometry as primary productivity proxies, in-water carbonate system chemistry (pCO2, pH), dissolved organic matter (CDOM and FDOM), interphase for gas exchange measurements across water surface, flow cytometry, and image analysis of individual cells of phytoplankton and zooplankton species (FlowCAM, CytoSense, FlowCytobot). Also, the possibility to integrate into an AquaBox system miniaturised, highly replicated manipulative biotests like nutrient limitation bioassays will be addressed and tested. The assessment of and decisions on such extensions, to be executed in Task 8.2.2, will be carried out in Task 8.1, and in connection to the Innovation Forum, where leading manufacturers of respective instrumentation are invited for feedback. It is foreseen that a large share of these analysers will be temporarily obtained within the AQUACOSM partnership for basic functional tests and demonstration. The selected advanced features/analysers, chosen on the basis of the development work and laboratory and field tests, will be acquired and incorporated for a high-end AquaBox version.

Subtask 8.2.3: OA data acquisition system (Lead: WCL, Co-lead: RF-Sense, Contributors: SYKE, CNRS, ENS, Month 25-48)

A data storage system compatible with the instruments developed in subtasks 8.2.1 & 8.2.2 will be developed to provide automated data transfer from the instruments to a central IT interface.

The IT interface serves three purposes. (1) Basic QC and warning function, in case sensors/analytical routines produce erratic data. QC algorithms will be based on comparison to nominal parameter ranges and detection of inconsistencies over time. (2) Filtering algorithms that exclude evident outliers from downstream data analysis (based on quantile statistics & meaningful data ranges). (3) A graphical user interface, based on the free statistical software R (building on R-Studio/Shiny), allowing visualisation, summary statistics and basic statistical analyses (comparisons of means, time trends). For this purpose, the programmable user interface allows definition of treatments & replicates among mesocosms. The default export format will be R binary data, with option to export data as excel spreadsheets (POSIXt time format).

The data analysis system will be designed to work with both sensor systems (8.2.1, 8.2.2). For the Lamp Sensor System, effective handling of high frequency data is required (up to 20 measurements per hr possible). The AquaBox, on the other hand, will produce more complex data esp. in terms of photosynthetic- related parameters (optical quenching, FRRF). A modular setup will allow flexibility in terms of handling different types of data. Meteorological data will be coupled by exact time stamps to data obtained from mesocosms.

WP9 Lasting Science Integration

Lead: LMU


WP9 focuses on joint research strategies to: a) demonstrate and valorise the surplus value of the AQUACOSM consortium, in experimentally tackling key scientific questions regarding present and future environmental changes, and b) ensure consolidation and continuation of the network and joint research activities beyond the duration of the AQUACOSM-project. To accomplish this, WP9 will conceptualise and implement a first international scientific coordination of ecosystem-scale experimental studies across all water types from marine to freshwater (Task 9.2). The success of this task specifically, as well as all AQUACOSM activity in general, will be evaluated (Task 9.1) and the results will be explored as a basis for future sustainable and expanded collaborations between aquatic mesocosm infrastructures in AQUACOSM and beyond. We will invite all facilities to join a virtual international network on the portal and advertising it on the project website (Task 5.1 and 5.2). The activity under Task 9.2 will also be used to allow wider collaboration with other directly related areas such as coastal and terrestrial experimental and observational platforms as developed in the different European RI consortia (e.g. AnaEE, ICOS, JERICO-NEXT, DANUBIUS, and future new RI-projects). To facilitate such a collaboration we have invited representatives other networks to the AQUACOSM Scientific Advisory board (SA described under section 3.2.6).

WP9 (Task 9.1) will implement knowledge and strategies developed within the AQUACOSM project. We will utilise and integrate results on key environmental challenges from WP2, transfer of technology and best practices from WP3, and be the first to employ key methodological improvements from WP7 and WP8, while conducting joint Pilot-transnational experimental investigations of key research questions across sites selected to represent the width of the consortium (Task 9.2). This Pilot-research activity will take advantage of the large variety of environments and species pools at the different experimental sites, from freshwater to marine systems, and from the Arctic to Mediterranean.

A challenge in mosocosm studies is that the responses of ecosystems to changing environments depend strongly on local biotic dynamics, determined by local species pools and biodiversity and me lead to idiosyncratic responses preventing generalisations. Coordination among facilities doing comparable studies are therefore needed. We postulate that this is one of the most limiting factors for the development of ecosystem-scale empirical science to understand and mitigate the effect of anthropogenic stressors on our future environment. One of the major outcomes of WP9 is therefore expected to be a concept for a sustainable international network ensuring continuous development of international best practice approach allowing direct between-system comparisons, based on directly comparable experimental and analytical approaches. Notably, our current understanding of aquatic ecology draws much knowledge from experiments that were performed at few sites in the vicinity of important laboratories.

The research strategy demonstration in WP9 will focus on extending important site-specific investigations of key environmental challenges to analyses of “local environment x environmental stressor” interactions on the European scale. This will ensure mechanistic insights into key ecological challenges that would not be possible to extract from single site-specific experimental studies or observational time-series. We will thereby further increase the value of experimental manipulations at specific sites by embedding them within an overarching Joint Research Activity. We will develop and conduct a practical pilot test of best strategies to study key environmental questions in the context of major environmental gradients (salinity, climate) across Europe, in order to obtain robust predictions how global change will affect aquatic ecosystems and surface water quality across Europe. Such an understanding is essential to judge susceptibility of aquatic ecosystems and to foresee remediation measures to be taken in the future.


D9.1 Data base environment x stressor interactions (M12)

D9.2 Strategy for experiments along salinity and latitude gradients (M18)

D9.3 Pilot Salinity, demonstration of successfully performing experiments along a salinity gradient (M36)

D9.4 Report practical experience from experiments along a salinity gradient (M42)

D9.5 Pilot Latitude, demonstration of successfully performing experiments along a latitudinal gradient from Arctic to Mediterranean (M46)

D9.6 Strategy for continuing JRA beyond M48, concept paper (M48)

Lead: WCL, Co-Lead: LMU, Contributors: all partners, Month 1-24

In Task 9.1 we will develop strategies for joint research activities based on the identified key environmental challenges currently taking place in European freshwater and coastal water bodies (WP2). We will combine the knowledge about environmental challenges and site-specific local environments and biological communities, by assembling a data base of key environmental traits (abiotic & biotic, such as local nutrient levels, temperature regimes, species pools and biodiversity) from each participating locality, based on research activities done in WP6 and previous work. We will develop strategies how to select appropriate sites/gradients to test specific research questions related to environmental challenges across different environments.

Better knowledge of “environment x stressor interactions” is generally needed to improve predictions about how, for example, GC will affect European waters. Identifying testable concepts in WP9 will be the foundation for establishing and improving joint experimental research strategy based on ecological theory. By also taking advantage of the continuous input from WP7 & WP8, which will develop new monitoring devices and standardised optimum designed and affordable winter/ice resistant mesocosm technologies, new cutting-edge cross-European standardised mesocosm science will be possible. This is needed to meet the spatial and temporal resolution that is necessary for adequate knowledge-based predictions in a leading European Science Area, and thus to achieve the overall goals of Task 9.1, Initially, we will organise a meeting during the Best practice workshop in WP3 where all partner sites will participate, where we a) discuss how to create a database about abiotic and biotic parameters of the different experimental sites b) identify how environmental stressors will interact with characteristics of local species pools, and c) develop research strategies how to tackle these interactions experimentally. A virtual workshop at M18 to prepare and harmonise the JRA pilot experiments salinity (9.2.1) and latitude (9.2.2) will include the relevant partners performing the experiments, and all partners from WP7 & WP8 developing new methods and infrastructure. A meeting at the final WP3 conference (M47, D3.12), with all partner sites participating, will be organised to a) report about the pilot experiments, b) performing an evaluation of the JRA pilot experiments within the project and c) planning JRAs beyond M48.

Task 9.1 will be the initial step to start joint research activities based on experimental designs that will valorise the surplus value of the European AQUACOSM consortium for environmental research questions.

Lead: AU, Month 24-48

Task 9.2 aims at investigating key challenges across two important environmental gradients, from freshwater to marine waters, and from European Arctic to Mediterranean systems. Such a task is only possible by effectively bundling the individual site-specific expertise of the consortium within joined research actions, thereby yielding synergistic results that cannot be achieved by individual institutions. The experimental approach will make use of the AQUACOSM network and will employ standardised methods (WP3 & 4) and new experimental setups (WP7 & 8). For initial actions and to ensure an efficient start of the approach, we will focus on environmental aspects that have been already identified as future key challenges for marine and freshwater systems within the context of global change research. One of these aspects is that global change is altering the movement of materials across landscapes, which is affecting functioning and stability of ecosystems. There is growing evidence that terrestrial ecosystems are exporting more dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to aquatic ecosystems than they did just a few decades ago (Clark et al., 2010). This “browning” phenomenon will alter the chemistry, physics, and biology of water bodies in complex and difficult-to-predict ways. Browning will directly influence primary production by higher light attenuation creating shading, thereby reducing primary production. At the same time, browning will increase bacterial production by supplying DOC, thereby shifting basal energy mobilisation within aquatic food webs in complex and not easy to predict ways (Ask et al., 2009). Initial food-web configuration and traits will therefore largely affect the response of aquatic systems to browning. Experiments at different sites provide a unique opportunity to elucidate how browning will affect the stability and functioning of aquatic ecosystems and interact with local species pools and ecosystem characteristics.

We will conduct a joint research activity demonstration, by investigating the effects of increasing DOC exports from terrestrial ecosystems into aquatic systems along two important environmental gradients. We will perform manipulations of DOC loading at 3 sites along a salinity gradient from freshwater to marine and along 3 sites along a latitudinal gradient from Arctic to Mediterranean. We will install (in close cooperation with WP7 and WP8) standardised floatable mesocosm systems and instrumentation at all sites, including 9 mesocosms of 2m diameter and 3m depth equipped with modern sensor technologies. Experimental manipulations at all sites will include different degrees of enrichment with an already tested and well characterised terrestrial DOC source. Thereby we keep comparability between experiments as high as technically possible.

Subtask 2.1: Salinity gradients (Lead: AU, Co-Lead: SYKE, Contributors: SYKE, AU, Month 24-40)

This task is the first approach of successfully investigating “browning” with joint research actions including a limited number of partners at 3 sites covering a large salinity gradient in the same climate zone. Experiments will be performed at a freshwater site in Denmark (AU), a brackish site in Finland (Tvärminne) and a full marine site in Norway (Hopavagn, Sletvik Field Station, NTNU Trondheim). Hopavagn is a wind and wave protected bay north of Trondheim, characterised by a high degree of exchange with the open North Atlantic. The experiments at Sletvik Field Station will demonstrate the ability of the consortium to extend its activity to a larger network and also perform experiments at important and relevant sites that do not have a permanent installation of mesocosm systems. Additionally, Sletvik Field Station, NTNU Trondheim, is a member within the European HYDRALAB+ consortium; the planned experiments will thereby ensure a close interaction between these two large European research networks.

Building on experience from a highly standardised cross-European mesocosm experiment on shallow freshwater lakes, headed by AU (Landkildehus et al, 2014) in the FP7 REFRESH project, the experiments will allow testing basic strategies within a well arranged consortium of a small number of partners that are covering the important and challenging gradient from freshwater to full marine waters. These experiments will act as a proof of principle for the surplus value of cross-aquatic environment joint research activities within the AQUACOSM consortium. Experiences from subtask 2.1 will greatly improve strategies to further extend the joint research actions of the AQUACOSM consortium.

Subtask 2.2: Latitudinal gradients (Lead: UNI, Contributors: HCMR, M42-M48)

Subtask 2.2 is a logical extension of subtask 2.1. Based on knowledge achieved from subtask 2.1, we will further improve cooperation strategies to extend the above described experiments along a salinity gradient (9.2.1) to a marine latitudinal gradient from Arctic to Mediterranean systems. The two endpoints of the latitudinal gradient will be an Arctic site at Svalbard and a Mediterranean site at Crete, the midpoint is the experiment at the full marine site (Sletvik Field Station) already done within 9.2.1. The pilot test of the research strategy at Svalbard (NyAlesund) will be especially relevant as many partners will join, demonstrating the effectiveness of the transnational coordination abilities of the consortium to perform joint mesocosm experiments in important but difficult - and therefore under-investigated - environments such as Arctic waters, where already existing systems such as on most other sites are not available. The strategy performing a pilot project in Svalbard will be strongly based on the knowledge and techniques obtained in Subtask 2.1, WP7 and WP8; the experimental infrastructure has to withstanding harsh conditions.

Subtask 2.2 will demonstrate the ability of the consortium to develop successful research strategies to investigate global change related key research questions from the Arctic to the Mediterranean

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