The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) is Norway’s leading institute for applied research and environmental assessment of marine and freshwater ecosystems. NIVA’s activities include a wide array of environmental, climatic and resource-related fields. NIVA’s world-class expertise is multidisciplinary with a broad scientific scope, where research, monitoring, evaluation, problem-solving and advisory services are combined at international, national and local levels. NIVA is a member of PEER, which is a network of leading European environmental research institutes as well as a member of the EurAqua network that contribute substantially to the development of European freshwater science and technology and its dissemination on a European scale. Nationally, NIVA is a part of CIENS, which is the Oslo Centre for Interdisciplinary Environmental and Social Research; a formalised co-operation between 6 other applied research institutes and the University of Oslo. NIVA will, when necessary, draw upon competence and capacity in this extensive network in support of activities in the programme.
Hartvig Christie m) is a senior scientist at NIVA with expertise in marine ecology. He has the scientific responsibility for the marine mesocosms.
Project role AQUACOSM: Contributor: Task WP6.18 Provision of TA to NIVA: Solbergstrand Experimental Facility (SEF); and WP3, WP5.
Project role AQUACOSM-plus: Contributor to several WPs
Nikolai Friberg (m) Professor and Research Director at NIVA, an adjunct professor at University of Copenhagen and visiting scientist at University of Leeds. He has more than 25 years research experience with in the field of freshwater ecology and experimental work. ISI WoS statistics: 53 papers, 1742 citations, h-index: 25. He has been Lead Author on the IPBES assessment (region: Europe and Central Asia) and acted as work package leader in the EU FP 7 project, REFORM on the impact of habitat degradation on stream biota and ways of restoring rivers successfully in an ecological context.
Project role AQUACOSM: Task Leader WP6.18: Provision of TA to NIVA: Solbergstrand Experimental Facility (SEF); Contributor to WP5.
Project role AQUACOSM-plus: Contributor to several WPs (WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6)
Benjamin Kupilas (m, PhD) is a young scientist at NIVA and a lecturer at the Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster with expertise in assessing anthropogenic stressors on running waters and effects of ecosystem restoration on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
Project role AQUACOSM-plus: He has the scientific responsibility for the freshwater facility. Contributor to Transnational Access provision at NIVA
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Gaustadalléen 21
WP1 | Consortium management
WP3 | Science and innovation strategy for society
WP4 | Breaching barriers to open mesocosm science, including open science tools and data
WP5 | Outreach activities: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
WP6 | Defining Grand Challenges in aquatic mesocosm research
WP8 | Pilot execution of Grand Challenge scenario-testing through bridging scales of experimental and observational RI networks