Imperial College (IC) is consistently ranked among the top 10 research universities in the world, and has particular strengths in the ecological and evolutionary disciplines that are closely aligned with the mesocosm approaches that underpin the current bid. The Department of Life Sciences is one of the largest and most productive ecological research institutes in the UK – and was ranked first out of all UK universities in the recent nationwide Research Excellence Framework audit.
Guy Woodward (m, PhD 1999 Freshwater Ecology) is Professor of Ecology with >20 years of research experience in freshwater ecology, including a wide range of mesocosm-based projects in both running and standing waters. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, with over 6,000 citations – many of which are based on mesocosm research. Prof Woodward has been the Series Editor of Advances in Ecological Research since 2010, which is commonly ranked in the top 10 international ecology journal based on its ISI Impact Factor. He is also the Leader of the British Ecological Society Aquatic Ecology Group, and sits on the Scientific Committee of the Future Earth Ecoservices Project. Professor Woodward leads the Mesocosms Research Theme at IC, and is collaborating via joint grants with over 35 PIs from across the globe, including via his recent NERC Large Grant (£3.7m).
Project role AQUACOSM: Task Leader WP3.2: Training; Task Leader WP6.17: Provision of TA to IMPERIAL: Silwood Park Mesocosms; Contributor to WP5.
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
United Kingdom