The CEREEP-Ecotron IDF is a joined unit of services, in partnership with CNRS and ENS ( It is dedicated to the development of experimental ecology, with technical platforms of national importance, and is also used for teaching and biodiversity observatories. The centre coordinates since 2011 the PLANAQUA equipment (“Plateforme nationale d’expérimentation en écologie aquatique”) funded by the Equipex program (“Equipements d’excellence”). PLANAQUA consists in a fully integrated experimental platform of aquatic microcosms, mesocosms and macrocosms. The centre also belongs to the CNRS national network of ecological experimental stations (ReNSEE), which guarantees (1) a national framework, (2) permanent support, and (3) a platform for exchange of technical and administrative skills. It is networked with other platforms inside the “Infrastructure nationale en biologie-santé” AnaEE-France, itself involved in the elaboration of the Infrastructure AnaEE-Europe (“Structuring infrastructures for the ANalysis And Experimentation on Ecosystems”),currently in the preparatory phase of ESFRI FP7 program.
Gérard Lacroix (m, PhD 1987 ecology): Researcher at CNRS and Associate Director of the CEREEP – Ecotron IDF, in charge of the development of the PLANAQUA facility. General limnology. Strong practice of experimental manipulations in aquatic systems (from laboratory microcosms to field macrocosms) on bottom-up and top-down factors that control populations,food-web structure, and ecosystem functioning. ISI WoS statistics: 48 papers, 778 citations, h-Index 15. (Others: 10 papers in non-ISI journals, 4 book chapters, 2 books; tot: 1167 citations).
Project role AQUACOSM: Task Leader WP6.12: Provision of TA to ENS: PLANAQUA; Contributor to WP2, WP3, WP5 and WP8.
Sarah Fiorini (f, PhD 2009 oceanography). Chief engineer responsible of the laboratory facilities and microcosm platfom of PLANAQUA. Effects of ocean acidification and global warming on phytoplankton ecophysiology Strong experience in designing and leading microcosm experiments on marine and freshwater microorganisms focusing on biochemistry, biology, ecology and organisms interactions. Conception and technical development of the new aquatic microcosm facilities of PLANAQUA, dedicated for use in the climatic rooms of the Ecotron IDF. ISI WoS statistics: 8 articles, h-Index 6, 68 citations.
Project role AQUACOSM: Technical coordinator for PLANAQUA facility (Task WP6.12); Contributor to WP2, WP3, and WP5.
Ecole Normale Superieure
Ecole Normale Superieure
45 Rue d'Ulm