The Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University (AU) comprises >15 research groups and about 500 staff members and carries out basic research and strategic research as well as research-based consultancy services on all aspects of aquatic sciences. AU furthermore runs the national survey program on aquatic ecosystems. AU has conducted numerous small to large scale experiments, as well as whole lake/stream experiments on many continents during the past 20 years and are probably the aquatic group with most experienced in field experiments in the world. They collaborate with more than 120 research groups from all parts of the world.
Erik Jeppesen (m, Dr. Scient. 1998 lake ecology) Freshwater ecologist. Coordinator and leader of numerous national and international research projects on structure and function of lakes from the High Arctic to the tropics. Main contact point for AQUACOSM and coordinator of transnational access (TA) in AQUACOSM. Heading a comprehensive set of large-scale mesocosm experiments on climate extreme effects on lake ecosystems, in MARS project. PI and scientific board of PROGNOS. He is one of the most cited aquatic ecologists. Google Scholar statistics: >500 papers, >45000 citations, h-index=101.
Project role AQUACOSM: Task Leader WP6.13: Provision of TA to AU: AU Lake Mesocosm Warming Experiment; Task Leader WP9.2: Performing joint experiments on key scientific questions along major environmental and bio-geographical gradients; Contributor to all WPs.
Project role AQUACOSM-plus: AU lead WP9.16: Provision of TA to AU: AU Lake Mesocosm Warming Experiment; Co-lead task WP3.3. Enlarging the mesocosm based experimental research community beyond AQUACOSM; Contributor to WP6: Defining Grand Challenges in aquatic mesocosm research; Contributor to WP8: Demonstration to tackle Grand Challenges through mobilised mesocosm experimentation.
Thomas A Davidson (m, PhD 2006). Freshwater ecologist, specialist in shallow lakes and GHG exchange in lakes. Google Scholar statistics: 86 papers, >2800 citations, h- index =28.
Project role AQUACOSM: AU project lead for AQUACOSM; contributor to WP6.13: Provision of TA to AU: AU Lake Mesocosm Warming Experiment; Task Leader WP9.2: Performing joint experiments on key scientific questions along major environmental and bio-geographical gradients. Contributor to WP3 and WP5.
Project role AQUACOSM-plus: AU project lead. Co-lead of WP7: Towards transformative mesocosm research – breaking the spatial and temporal barriers of aquatic ecosystem experimentation. Task lead 7.3: Applying GHG flux measurements to benthic/pelagic and pelagic mesocosms; Contributor to WP8: Demonstration to tackle Grand Challenges through mobilised mesocosm experimentation. Contributor to WP9.16: Provision of TA to AU.
Martin Søndergaard (m, Dr. Scient. 2010) Participating in many national and international research projects on structure and function of lakes. Main contact person to the Danish authorities in relation to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. ISI WoS statistics: 126 papers (>7500 citations, h-index=41).
Project role AQUACOSM: Contributor to WP6.13: Provision of TA to AU; and WP9.2: Performing joint experiments on key scientific questions along major environmental and bio-geographical gradients.
Dennis Trolle (m, PhD 2009). Specialised in catchments and aquatic ecological modeling and database management. Heading the modelling network AEMON and member of GLEON. Key player in PROGNOS. Google Scholar statistics: 55 papers, >1700 citations, h-index=23.
Project role AQUACOSM: Task Leader WP4.2: Database management; Contributor to WP6.13: Provision of TA to AU.
Project role AQUACOSM-plus: Contributor WP6: Defining Grand Challenges in aquatic mesocosm research.
Frank Landkildehus(m, MSc, 1997). Leader of the AU expeditions around the world, including Greenland. Responsible for the mesocosms development and maintenance of the mescoms facility at AU, Silkeborg. Coordinated the logistics of a comprehensive and highly standardised cross-European mescosms experiment in the EU REFRESH FP7 project. ISI WoS statistics: 29 papers (>1000 citations , h-index=15).
Project role AQUACOSM: Heading WP6.13: Provision of TA to AU; Contributor to WP9.2: Performing joint experiments on key scientific questions along major environmental and bio-geographical gradients.
Eti Levi (f, PhD, 2016). Freshwater ecologist, responsible for practical coordination of TA for AQUACOSM at AU. Extensive practical experience of land based and in-lake mesocosm experiments. Google Scholar statistics 16 papers, 181 citations, h index=8.
Project role AQUACOSM-plus: Contributor WP9.16: Provision of TA to AU. Contributor to task 7.3 Applying GHG flux measurements to benthic/pelagic and pelagic mesocosms. Contributor to WP8 Demonstration to tackle Grand Challenges through mobilised mesocosm experimentation.
Aarhus University
Aarhus University
Nordre Ringgade 1
Aarhus C
WP1 | Consortium management
WP3 | Science and innovation strategy for society
WP4 | Breaching barriers to open mesocosm science, including open science tools and data
WP5 | Outreach activities: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
WP6 | Defining Grand Challenges in aquatic mesocosm research
WP7 | Towards transformative mesocosm research – breaking the spatial and temporal barriers of aquatic ecosystem experimentation
WP8 | Pilot execution of Grand Challenge scenario-testing through bridging scales of experimental and observational RI networks